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454 and 459 RAAF Squadrons
454 History
1942 - 1945 Planned as one of the 17 Australian-manned squadrons for the Royal Air Force (RAF), 454 Squadron was formed on 23 May 1941.
Served in Aqir-Palestine, Amiriya-Egypt. Moved to Gambut III, Cyrenaica then to Berka III & joined Desert Air Force at Pescara, Italy, for close support of 8th Army operating out of Cesenatico, Italy
459 History
1942 - 1945 No. 459 Squadron operated from six main bases and some ten detachment locations - a chain of airfields spanning 1000 miles of the North African coastline from the Bay of Sirte (Benghasi) to the Levant (Palestine and Lebanon) and to Southern Arabia.
Our Planes
The following aircrafts were used by the 454 & 459 Squadrons
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